Tamale Pie


Tamale Pie


3 ¾ - 4 cups water 

Salt to your taste

With 1 cup cornmeal

¼ cup cashew powder

1 small can tomato paste

¼ cup chopped onion

¼ cup chopped celery

1 cup frozen corn

1 cup favorite vegetable

½ cup olives sliced

¼ cup tofu cheese dressing



Wash raw cashews and sort.

Mix ground cashews with cornmeal and
add to salt water.

Bring to a boil stirring constantly. 
Turn heat down and keep stirring
until done.  

Pour into baking dish 

or pie pan an inch or more thick.  

If you like the cornmeal firm then
don’t use as much water. 

Spread with the tomato paste. 

Put a nice
layer of frozen corn over the tomato. 
I like to leave the edge 

of red tomato showing for color. 

Put your favorite
vegetable on top of the corn leaving
an edge of corn showing. 

Sprinkle with onions andthen with celery. 

In a decorative manner place the olives in circles
and sprinkle tofu cheese on top.
Cover and bake for half an hour
at 350 degrees. 

When serving sprinkle with olive oil.



Tofu Cheese


1 package of tofu

Med or soft

2-3 T pimento

1 inch celery

¼ t salt  suit yourself

3 dates chopped

3 T lemon juice

¼ cup raw cashews (washed)

¼ t onion powder

¼ t garlic powder

1 t sesame seeds


Put a few T of pineapple juice in the
blender.  Put the ingredients in the
blender but not the lemon and tofu.

Run the blender until cashews are
powder.  Put the tofu on top and
run until smooth.  Pour into jar
and pour the lemon in. Use a
spoon to gently stir in the